Sunday, December 20, 2009

Religions: The Pinoy Way

In the Philippines there are two major religious sects; The Roman Catholics and the Muslims.
The Luzon area is mostly populated by Roman Catholics while the Mindanao are is mostly populated by Muslims. The Catholics worship the almighty God while the Muslims worship Allah.
But with definitive contrast between the two religions not much can be said between how the Filipino Families live by their own religions. Let's take for example a typical Roman Catholic family, every sunday the family would always go to mass most often together and complete. The church would always bring the Filipino Family closer, in the church you would see thte family praying together, the children kissing their parents when it is called to have peace and during the Lord's prayer the family is seen holding hands together in prayer. After the mass the Family is seen eating together and having fun together since for most Filipinos sunday is also Family Day. It is the day when the family spends most of the day being together, they might go to amusement parks, resorts, restaurants or malls and just spend time together.

The religiosity of Filipino Families can not only be seen at churches but also at their homes. Filipino Families would pray over their food before and, sometimes after meals. Also in some families it is a custom to pray the rosary at around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. During All Saints Day and All Souls Day, Filipino families pray for their loved ones that they may be accepted into heaven.
Religion is also practiced in schools where each class is started with a prayer and end s with a prayer. Morning assemblies are also started with prayers and the Angelus is recited every noon while the rosary is recited everyday during the month of October.

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