Monday, December 21, 2009


The Filipino Family of 2009 may be one of the best pictures of a perfect family. Of course, this is subjective but this doesn’t hinder us from believing on the credibility of Filipino families. Throughout the years, we Filipinos have adapted to many changes and influences but still we are constant in our belief of a strong and intact family. We have valued family next to God.

The Filipino family is one bond that cannot be broken. It is said that the Filipino family is like the structure of the house in which the members are the pillars which hold the house up. When one pillar falls, the whole thing collapses. This is the reason why we try to maintain the family because if not it will deal to the destruction of one’s family and most importantly, one’s self.

The Filipino family will stand through time and will remain strong amidst all the problems. Though much can change can occur in the mere future, the family will always be a family. The values, characteristics, beliefs, etc can be temporary but the family will always be forever.

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