Monday, December 21, 2009


The Filipino Family of 2009 may be one of the best pictures of a perfect family. Of course, this is subjective but this doesn’t hinder us from believing on the credibility of Filipino families. Throughout the years, we Filipinos have adapted to many changes and influences but still we are constant in our belief of a strong and intact family. We have valued family next to God.

The Filipino family is one bond that cannot be broken. It is said that the Filipino family is like the structure of the house in which the members are the pillars which hold the house up. When one pillar falls, the whole thing collapses. This is the reason why we try to maintain the family because if not it will deal to the destruction of one’s family and most importantly, one’s self.

The Filipino family will stand through time and will remain strong amidst all the problems. Though much can change can occur in the mere future, the family will always be a family. The values, characteristics, beliefs, etc can be temporary but the family will always be forever.

The Pinoy Taste Bud

Filipino food is a mix of different tastes which is due to influences from different cultures. Chinese, Spanish and American tastes are some of the influences that we have integrated in our cuisine. However, we currently are trying to add the European cuisine to our menu. Basically, we Filipinos just love food.

Filipinos eat at least 4 times a day excluding the meriendas and snacks. To think that we Filipinos are short and thin, we are able to eat this much in a day. Filipinos are never too far from food. There are restaurants, fast-food chains, and many more that are scattered in every corner of the country. We are just a couple of steps away from food which is why we have the luxury of eating at least 4 times a day.

Our love for food can be seen when we have family gatherings. It is in these events that we fill the whole table with numerous meals. These are the best meals one can find in the Philippines and of course the family specialty. Our love for food also is the reason for why we get to inherit different recipes for the family specialties. Different recipes are passed on to succeeding generations because these are considered a families prized possession.

Filipinos are conservative

The Filipino family is conservative in nature. This may be due to our Catholic Christian religion. The Catholic Christian teachings of being simple and conservative govern the lives of the Filipino people. The Filipino family is a supporter or advocate of traditional ideas and behaviour. This is why Filipinos live by their Catholic Christian and traditional beliefs.

The Filipino family avoids showiness and is grounded on a simplistic attitude. The best representation of our conservatism is our national attire, the barong Tagalog and the baro’t saya. It is simple but elegant in design. We Filipinos try to show off the best of who we are rather than the best of what we have.

"Self - Sacrifice"

Filipinos give up personal wants and needs, either from a sense of duty or in order to benefit others. There are a number of Filipino personalities that have poured their lives for the country. Names that stand- out are that of Jose Rizal and Ninoy Aquino.

In the recent events that had transpired here in the Philippines, Filipino people united as one big family to devote themselves and their belongings to aid in the victims of the flood. It is in this time that people everywhere join together and share their love for somebody or something else considered to be of more value or importance.

Self- sacrifice has become part of the Filipino Society. Filipino people would look out for their family members even if it would cost their lives. This is what makes the Filipino family strong because one would devote their lives for the other.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

"The educated Filipino"

In the Philippines education is a priority. All parents of every family want their children to be college graduates, all parents want their children to have degrees in order to have a successful life.

However not every Filipino can afford college education but in our children today even if they have no means to go to college they still dream of being able to go to a college where they can finish their studies and hopefully to have a degree in order to help their families. One person worth noting that is endeavoring to educate our Filipino youth is Mr. Efren PeƱaflorida, a person who travels along with his cart to educate the youth. His cart is where the learning begins, with his cart he teaches, educates and guides the youth. Steering them away from gang memberships, drugs, smoking, and other vices while giving them hope that they can become someone in their life. Someone that can accomplish something and even be world renowned in doing so.

Mr. PeƱaflorida is a great example for future generations, an example of filipino that we can truly be proud of. We should follow his example and not just turn a blind eye to things that are happening around us.

"Po and Opo"

These two words are often heard from children addressing their parents, or when addressing an elderly and when talking to someone much older than you. Saying these two words are act of respect and one of the greatest values Filipino culture can be proud of.

If you try to translate "po"and "opo" into other languages, there is no word that can compare to act of respect that these two words bring. At an early stage in their life children of Filipino Families are already taught to always say "po" and "opo" to their parents and elders. Saying "po" is like saying what or can you repeat that while saying "opo" is like saying yes or agreeing to something.

Saying "po"and "opo" is a great tradition that we Filipinos should be proud of. This tradition should be passed on to future generations so that centuries old of respect and Pinoy culture won't be forgotten.

"Filipinos are all over the net"

The introduction of social networking sites have caught our country by storm from friendster to the newest facebook. We Filipinos can't get enough of this social networking sites. We use them to connect to almost forgotten friends, to our friends now, and even to find more friends. This social networking sites pave the way of making connections even without personal contact, these make making friends easier, rekindling lost relationships and even making new ones. Take facebook for instance it combines online chatting and email all in one, and add some games into the mix, it became certified hit to all teenagers and even adults worldwide.

The use of these social networking sites however isn't only limited to these functions. It can also create bridges to family members abroad, in the province or even in your neighborhood. It creates a cuber connection between families. Families can still talk with each other, have fun together by playing games that come with these social networking sites and know what is happening to each other by posting photos, videos or statuses.

All in all these social networking sites have not only made bridging connections to family members but made it fun adn much less robotic.

"Pinoy Hospitality: World Renowned"

All over the world we Filipinos are known to be hospitable we have gained reputation as people who welcome other people into our homes with courtesy and we always have a hearty meal to serve for our visitors. Even though there is no money to buy the food to prepare, we Filipinos always find a way to come up with a meal that we can serve to our guests.

Our hospitality is renowned throughout the world as one of the best but where does it exactly come from. It is like an instinct already for us, whenever we have a visitor we are always busy in the kitchen making the best dishes, preparing the table, using our expensive chinaware, and even let our guests sleep in our bedrooms if they are to spend the night.

That is just how we Filipinos are, we are very hospitable. We are very proud of this trait and it is a mark of a true Filipino.

Condo Living

The Families nowadays prefers more to live in high - rise condos. These condos provide some sort of advantage to them since most of live in condos near their work so it becomes much more convenient for them. Condos are also preferred by families because of the facilities that the condo has. For example in a condo there could be a swimming pool, and indoor basketball court, fitness center, an indoor track also there is the convenience of having elevators, being near to work, business centers, malls, and Churches.

Having a condo is also an advantage when it come to family relationships since condos are designed to be small but compact. Family members would likely see each other within the day since the area is only small. There would always be occurrences of catching up with each other, doing activities together and the occasional watching movies or TV together. Having a condo is not practical but it also contributes to the well being of a family especially if it's a big one.

Condos also provide security for the family since there is a 24 hour security that always comes with condos. Unlike with houses that can be broken into, condos are much safer and the lobby would always ask visitors coming up to the residential area.

Importance of Elders

The importance of Elders in a Filipino family is really worth noting. The family takes care of the elder until he/she dies, the families all pitch in to support their lolo and lolas. The role that the elders play in a Filipino Family is a very vital one, from the elders stems all the culture, values lessons that will be passed on by their sons and daughters to their future grandsons and granddaughters and so on and so forth.

The elders in a Filipino family also acts as the source of those scary stories which their grandchildren are so very afraid of but also love to hear. Elders in their own way keep the family together because their children pay off their debt by taking care of them while their grand children grows fond of them because of the elders take very good care of them, the children are pampered with their grandparents.

The elders stand also as some form of role model both to their children and grandchildren.

"Bagong Bayani"

OFW's are now called the new heroes of the Philippines because they sacrifice, leaving their families just to earn money. They live on other countries making a living so that their families back home would have something to eat and make their lives better. But our OFW's should not be working outside our country, they could not have left their families if only our Country can provide them better jobs, a fair amount for their salary, and good benefits. However the Philippines cannot provide them these so instead they turn to other countries, like an act of desperation, because according to recent studies more Filipinos have gone down below the poverty line.

Also even some of our OFW's are being mistreated, abused, and even deprived of human rights. Some are lucky to come home alive but there are some who die in vain. We cannot do anything. Wrong! Even if we can't do anything now, we must think of something as Gandhi has said "Be the change you want to see in the world" Calling our OFW's our new heroes is not enough they are much more than that.

Biking: The New Sport of Filipinos

Mountain Biking is fast becoming the sport of the Filipino Family. not only does it encourage fitness but it also promotes camaraderie and unity within the family. Mountain Biking is a fun sport it gives a chance for the family to spend time together but on a different setting this time its outdoors where nature can really invite families just to relax, enjoy the scenery and have fun biking.

Mountain biking does not only give recreation to a family but it also promotes unity within a family. Since in mountain biking dangerous trails can not always be avoided so a leader must always be followed and the leader's orders must always be followed. This also helps in letting the children learn respect and obedience to their parents while having fun with them.

"Mano Po: The 6'oclock habit"

Every day at exactly 6'oclock. Each and every child of a Filipino family that is raised according to the values and culture of being a Filipino are required to do the "pagmamano" tradition wherein the child must reach for the hand of the elderly and place it on his/her forehead. This simple gesture is a great sign of respect within Filipino families, it shows that you value the wisdom of the elders and your parents and that you respect them. This 'pagmamano" is a great example of a tradition that must be passed on to future generations. As it may be just a simple gesture but the meaning behind it is bound with centuries old tradition of respect and love for those who are wiser and more knowledgeable than you.

The "pagmamano" is not strictly reserved for 6'oclock. The "pagmamano" is also done after praying, after attending mass, before leaving the house, if there is a visitor who is a relative or elderly, and when meeting godfathers and godmothers.

Religions: The Pinoy Way

In the Philippines there are two major religious sects; The Roman Catholics and the Muslims.
The Luzon area is mostly populated by Roman Catholics while the Mindanao are is mostly populated by Muslims. The Catholics worship the almighty God while the Muslims worship Allah.
But with definitive contrast between the two religions not much can be said between how the Filipino Families live by their own religions. Let's take for example a typical Roman Catholic family, every sunday the family would always go to mass most often together and complete. The church would always bring the Filipino Family closer, in the church you would see thte family praying together, the children kissing their parents when it is called to have peace and during the Lord's prayer the family is seen holding hands together in prayer. After the mass the Family is seen eating together and having fun together since for most Filipinos sunday is also Family Day. It is the day when the family spends most of the day being together, they might go to amusement parks, resorts, restaurants or malls and just spend time together.

The religiosity of Filipino Families can not only be seen at churches but also at their homes. Filipino Families would pray over their food before and, sometimes after meals. Also in some families it is a custom to pray the rosary at around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. During All Saints Day and All Souls Day, Filipino families pray for their loved ones that they may be accepted into heaven.
Religion is also practiced in schools where each class is started with a prayer and end s with a prayer. Morning assemblies are also started with prayers and the Angelus is recited every noon while the rosary is recited everyday during the month of October.

Filipinos are Fad Addicts!?

We? Fad Addicts? This is a question easily answered. Yes we Filipinos are Fad addicts, Filipino families often have collections either individually or as a whole. I may not be a collector myself but I also fancy having a collection but this collection will have to wait since I am but a student and maintaining a hobby like that is very pricey. Especially for me since I am considering collecting vintage cars and I would like to have a try in restoring these beautiful antiques. Others may call it a waste of time but for me it is something worth investing my time on. I can just imagine riding a 69' camaro fully reconditioned and restored, sporting a new metallic red paint and the smell of new leather interior. That would be euphoria for me, but that's just me. Everyone has different tastes may it be to collecting matchbox cars, action figures, comic books or just about anything you can think of. Filipinos are certified fad addicts. We filipinos don't just collect, we collect and we take care of the things in our collections. This collections are not only there because we want to collect them, We Filipinos, as a family, make a collective effort in order to maintain and take care of our collections. The collection also serve as a group activity for the family since the collection does not only to belong, for example, to my father but to me as well since these collections will be passed down just like a family heirloom.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Strong Ties and Bonds

The Filipino family has strong ties and bonds because Filipinos put importance on families. Their families is like their Holy Grail for them they revere and love their family above all. The Filipino family is not an ordinary one where it only consists of the mother, father and children living in one house there are cases when the other members of the family also live in the same roof or they live next to each other. This is because the Filipino family does not want to feel divided and having only 3 people for them is already lonely. Another thing worth noting is that the Family members always have reunions during the holidays, special events or sometimes when there isn't an event at all. A vital piece in every reunion of a Filipino family is music hours and hours would be spent enjoying singing. They would just gather in the house of the closest relative and have fun, be merry and relish old stories and new ones because Filipino families just like to be together. There is no need for a special occasion in order for a typical Filipino Family to get together. An example is this video;

Filipinos really do like to have a good time as shown in the video. Food and drinks are overflowing, but most noticeable is that we filipinos always like to do things together. Singing and karaoke will never go out of style in every typical reunion of a Filipino family it is always the centerpiece of socialization in every reunion. Another thing is that Filipinos always do not miss out on photo ops, they would always try to squeeze in photos so that they too would also be in it

The Filipino Family: An introduction

The Filipino family of 2009 is one that you can consider as having very strong ties and bonds because ever since the emergence of OFW's. Family members working abroad have not become a hindrance for Filipino families to be able to stay connected. The Filipino family uses technology to their advantage using the internet and the worldwide web in order to stay connected to loved ones even though not there physically but the effort to keep the family together is there. The use of Social Networking, Chat services and others helps keep the bond strong since there is still connection. Another subject worth noting is the way Filipino families try to do activities mostly together like biking, going to the mall, going to the church, eating, playing sports, and others. The Filipino family of 2009 is really worth noting since even though the world is rapidly changing and having and keeping a family is becoming harder. We Filipinos still keep to our culture that the family is very important and that it should be nurtured and we use the advancements of technology to our advantage so that we can keep the family together.