The Filipino family has stron

g ties and bonds because Filipinos put importance on families. Their families is like their Holy Grail for them they revere and love their family above all. The Filipino family is not an ordinary one where it only consists of the mother, father and children living in one house there are cases when the other members of the family also live in the same roof or they live next to each other. This is because the Filipino family does not want to feel divided and having only 3 people for them is already lonely. Another thing worth noting is that the Family members always have reunions during the holidays, special events or sometimes when there isn't an event at all. A vital piece in every reunion of a Filipino family is music hours and hours would be spent enjoying singing. They would just gather in the house of the closest relative and have fun, be merry and relish old stories and new ones because Filipino families just like to be together. There is no need for a special occasion in order for a typical Filipino Family to get together. An example is this video;

Filipinos really do like to have a good time as shown in the video. Food and drinks are overflowing, but most noticeable is that we filipinos always like to do things together. Singing and karaoke will never go out of style in every typical reunion of a Filipino family it is always the centerpiece of socialization in every reunion. Another thing is that Filipinos always do not miss out on photo ops, they would always try to squeeze in photos so that they too would also be in it